This week’s photography challenge is Close-Up Photography.
For our weekly photography challenge you will be taking close-up photos of everyday objects you have around the home.
By getting up close to your subject you can reveal hidden details and textures normally overlooked. If you want to get up really close, try using a macro lens for this challenge.
Is Close-Up Photography the same as Macro photography?
Macro photography can be considered close-up photography. Close-up photography, however, is not always considered macro photography.
The main difference between close-up and macro photography is the amount of detail in the image.
Macro Photography is close up photography of small subjects at extremely close distances. It is the art of photographing small objects, and making them look larger in photographs, usually by using a macro lens.
Flowers, water droplets, and insects are popular subjects to photograph with macro photographers. Macro Photography allows us to see what we normally can’t with the naked eye.
Close-up photography generally shows your subject at a closer range, and includes more detail than you would normally see. It is a shot that tightly frames your subject, without including the broader scene surrounding it.
Here are some ideas to get you going:
1 – Coffee Beans
2 – Sponges
3 – Paper
4 – Soap Bubbles
5 – Feathers
6 – Pencils
7 – Make Up
What other ordinary things are in your house that you can photograph up close? See what else you can include for our Weekly Photography Challenge – Close Up.
Try our other weekly photography challenges here.
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