What is Environmental Portrait Photography?
Environmental Portrait Photography is a genre of photography. It’s popular in documentary, editorial, and travel photography.
The idea is to show the connection between the subject and their surroundings. Portraits can be at their home, in the workplace, or any location relevant to the person’s life.
Environmental portraits tell a story about their subject. The surroundings should be meaningful to the subject and provide information about what they do, or who the person is.

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Tips for Environmental Portrait Photography
- Engage with your subject – Talk with your subject and get to know them. Take the time to learn what they do and how they live. Show that you are genuinely interested in their life. Help them feel comfortable with you.
- Be aware of the surroundings – The background is the key element of the environmental part of the photograph. It is as important as the subject itself. Make sure it doesn’t distract from the subject you are photographing. They are the focus of the photograph. The environment relates to them.
- Photographing strangers – Check the local culture of countries you will be traveling to. Not everyone might be thrilled to have you photograph them in their environment. Be polite, courteous and ask stranger’s permission to photograph them.
- Tell their story – What story are you trying to tell about your subject? What do you want people to think or feel about your photograph? Include elements in the photograph that are relevant to the story you are trying to tell.
- Props and posing – Don’t be afraid to pose your subject. Props can be added if they are relevant to the scene and help tell the story. If it distracts from the story, don’t use them.
- Know your camera settings – Make sure you know your camera settings well. You may have to work quickly in certain environments.
- Use a wider lens – A wide angle lens
allows you to get closer to your subject and include the background in the photograph.
- Depth of field – Use a smaller depth of field. A wider aperture will blur the background too much, and you want to include it as part of the story.

Environmental Portraits tell a story without words. A strong photograph reveals details about the subject and their environment. Always, remember what you are trying to say about your subject.
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