Contest Summary: BigPicture Photography Competition
Now in its seventh year, BigPicture encourages photographers from around the world to contribute their work to this competition that will both celebrate and illustrate the rich diversity of life on Earth and inspire action to protect and conserve it through the power of imagery. Enter your nature, wildlife and conservation images for a chance to win a share of $12,000 in cash prizes and be exhibited at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco.
The Details:
Status: Open for entry
Closing date: Mar 01, 2020
Winners chosen by: Judging panel
Terrestrial Wildlife
Animals photographed anywhere in the world. Images may include land-based mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and non-flying insects whether they live in trees or on land.
Winged Life
Birds or flying insects photographed anywhere in the world—in flight, perched, or in action. This category also includes flightless birds such as penguins and ostriches.
Landscapes, Waterscapes & Flora
Captivating images of wild places with a unique perspective, from expansive landscape vistas of forests, deserts, and mountains to the microhabitats of plants and other flora. Images may include water environments of oceans, lakes, and rivers with images taken above or under water including waves, tide pools, and other water scenes.
Aquatic Life
Animals including mammals, fish, reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates that spend the majority of their time in water.
Art of Nature
Abstract expressions of nature and/or science. Life photographed out in nature or under the microscope. Images may include unusual close-ups, angles, patterns, motion, or perspectives, black and white photography, and images created using scientific imaging tools. Artistic effects should not be the result of digital manipulations.
Images that depict the efforts of scientists, conservationists, and others working to sustain life on our planet, or the complex relationship between humans and nature. Images should illustrate the impacts of humans on the environment and can be either positive or negative stories.
$12,000 in Cash Prizes to be awarded to the 2020 winners.
The Grand Prize winner will receive $5,000 for the best overall image in the 2020 BigPicture Natural World Photography Competition and be featured in the annual exhibit at the California Academy of Sciences. The first place winners of the seven official categories will each receive $1,000 in cash and also have their winning images featured in the annual exhibit. Up to 6 additional finalists will be awarded a certificate of recognition for each category, with the exception of the Photo Series category. The Photo Series category will have one First Place awarded.
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