Week 49 – 52 Week Photography Challenge

Our theme for Week 49 of the 52 Week Photography Challenge is “Self Portrait”. The images should be based on your interpretation of the theme.
Here are some images for inspiration:

To share your entries from the 52 Week Photography Challenge 2021:
- Share your photo entry on Instagram
- Specify the challenge in your caption: EXAMPLE – “My entry for week 1 of 52 Photography Challenge – Beginnings”
- Tag me in the caption @julie_miche
- Add the Photography Challenge hashtag #prcphotochallenge2021
- Share your post in your Instagram story
- Tag me in your story @julie_miche
Now get out there and start shooting the 52 Week Photography Challenge – Self Portrait!
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Get the 52 Week Photography Challenge Companion Book

52 Week Photo Challenge: A Year of Photography Ideas, Projects, Prompts to Improve Your Photography Skills and Creativity
This Book Features Space To Track:
Date & Time, Name, Location, Image, Camera, Lens, ISO, Filters, Focus, Aperture, Balance, Shooting Mode, Shutter Speed, Flash Settings, Drive Mode, Notes, Theme, Genre, Ideas and Inspiration for Theme, Dot Grid Area for more notes or paste in your finished photo from the theme