Essential Photography Tips for Beginners
Starting out in photography can seem overwhelming at first, so we have provided 10 Essential Photography Tips for Beginners.
10 Photography Tips That are Essential for Beginners
- Don’t Buy The Most Expensive Equipment – When you’re first starting, don’t rush out and buy the top of the line gear. Start with the basics, and add more photography gear as you acquire more skills.
- Learn To Hold Your Camera Properly – This may seem obvious, but you would be surprised at how many beginner photographers hold their camera incorrectly. Always hold the camera with both hands gripping the right side of the camera with your right hand, while placing your left hand beneath the lens to support the weight of the camera. Keep the camera close to your body for extra stability.
- Learn Which Settings Matter – Cameras have many different settings, and it will take practice to learn them all. Start by taking your camera out of Auto Mode. Experiment with Shutter Priority Mode, Aperture Mode, and then Manual Mode, where you will set the ISO, Shutter Speed, and the Aperture yourself.
- Photography Courses & Workshops – When you are just beginning out as a photographer one of the best thing you can do for yourself is to enroll in photography courses or workshops.
- Photograph What You Love – Experiment with different genres. Find ones you love and are passionate about, focus on them and have fun!
- Take Your Camera With You Everywhere – Practice, Practice Practice! Shoot everyday. The more photos you take, the better you will become.
- Read and Get Inspired – Subscribe to & read our photography blog! We regularly publish resources, articles and reviews to keep you informed and inspired with the latest in photography. If you prefer books, check out these best photography books to help you become a better photographer.
- Join A Photography Challenge – Photography challenges are fun, provide motivation, and help spark creativity. You can do them on your own or with a group of other photographers.
- Keep Track of Your Photo Projects – Record your photo projects in a photography logbook. Keep track of the details of the photos you have taken including date, camera used, project, weather conditions, type of photo and notes.
- Don’t Forget to Have Fun – If you’re not having fun, there isn’t a photography tip, book or class that will make a difference! So, get out, start shooting, be creative, experiment and don’t be afraid to make mistakes!
Need more photography tips? You can find them here.
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